SIGMA GL/2 (aka SGL, SIGGL) is a data-oriented C API specification where the common things are (relatively) easy, and the super powerful low-level optimizations are…


OpenGL, contração de Open Graphics Library, é uma especificação de API aberta, cruze-plataforma, de desenho computacional 2D e 3D acelerado por hardware mais usada e suportada…

RenderWare Audio v3.7

RenderWare Audio v3.7 is the only comprehensive solution developers need to deliver out-standing realtime audio for multi-platform titles. It simplifies the process of generating rich,…

RenderWare Physics 3.7

RenderWare Physics 3.7 provides fast, realistic, multi-platform physics modeling that’s suitable for use in every genre of game. RenderWare Physics provides the ability to add…

The Qwadro Execution Ecosystem

Qwadro is an autonomous execution ecosystem, a level-3 system infrastructure, a data-oriented virtual platform, that offers a set of common building blocks to build systems…

Política de privacidade

Esta política é válida a partir de Jun 2022. Política de Privacidade – Federação SIGMA Federação SIGMA, pessoa jurídica de direito privado leva a sua…

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